About the Journal

The Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics (JAPS) is dedicated to publishing high quality original research articles in broader areas of applied probability as well as diverse statistical methods and techniques covering both theory and applications. Intended as a forum for those engaged in analytic as well as experimental research, the journal publishes 3 issues annually and accepts papers through peer review by professional colleagues in the relevant fields.

Papers based on innovative research involving real life problems, generalization, expansion and application of existing methods, proposal for new methods, and interdisciplinary applications of probability and statistics are especially welcome. Due to significant increase in number of submissions of high quality articles to JAPS, the management has decided to publish three issues (April, August, December) annually from 2019 to avoid backlog of accepted articles.

The JAPS is reviewed and indexed in the Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt fur Mathematik, Scopus and Google Scholar databases and is registered in the USA and published by ISOSS Publications.
